Monday, August 11, 2008

Poor Arlo!

Yesterday was a crazy day. Justin and I played at church, as usual, and were planning on going back for the Czech Rep. team's update at 6pm. Instead we got a flat tire on the way home from the Hoover library (best library ever!) and then almost killed our cat while we were eating dinner. Justin's elbow got a little too enthusiastic about his milk and knocked the glass onto our hard, tile floor. Poor Arlo got sliced in the leg in two places and was bleeding all over the carpet! We got him to the garage and called our vet friend. Anyways, we didn't make it back to church and Justin felt so bad for Arlo that he is more certain than ever about our decision to wait to have children..."If I feel this bad for a cat..." What a sweet man:). We love our kitties.


Camille said...

Oh my gosh, lisa! Bless little Arlo's heart. I'm so glad that he is going to be ok! that would have scared me to death if that had happened to Rosie.
We are looking forward to seeing y'all in a few weeks!

Emily Mills said...

oh, gosh! I can just hear Justin saying that. Hee, hee. I was at home when you called Dad about the flat tire. I hope it worked out! Did Arlo have to get stiches? Poor kitty. Tell him auntie Em said hello. :) Love you.....BTW - how was Justin's birthday?