Tuesday, August 5, 2008

7- 7 -4 -2

Apparently I'm a 7-7-4-2 on the Kolbe Test. I had to take this test for my new job. It's not a personality test but rather a test to tell how you instinctively respond to situations and what is stressful for you. There are no "good" or "bad" numbers but all have their strengths and weaknesses. Here's a breakdown of my score:
Fact Finder score (out of 10) 7 = I want to master knowledge before teaching it/talking about it; I want to share what I know; I give detailed, thorough answers

Follow Through 7 = I'm good at systems and organization; I finish what I start

Quick Start 4 = I value innovative ideas but like to minimize chaos; I don't love risks

Implementor 2 = I can imagine what something should be without physically touching it.

The Kolbe guy said most teachers have high Fact Finder and Follow Through levels so I was right on track! He said when kids get high quick start teachers they find them fascinating (ie Kaitie) b/c they're different from the average teacher who LOVES her systems and order! How funny. Playing right into my natural desires for order, I can't wait until I settle into the school year and all the pre-school stuff is over....

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