Saturday, November 14, 2015

A Redeemed Life

A few weeks ago at church, one of the pastors gave a beautiful sermon about redemption in Christ. She was talking about Hebrews 9:11-15 and also drew from Leviticus 16 concerning the Day of Atonement in the Old Testament.

So way back in the day, once a year, the high priest would cast lots over two goats- one to the Lord and one that "got away." One was sacrificed for the sins of the people- issuing them forgiveness. The other made the people clean. They would confess their sins over the goat and then lead him out of the camp and set him free. A few key points she made were that 1- forgiveness can be bestowed whether you deserve it or not, receive it or not, or have any intention of changing, and 2-in order for change to happen, you have to name and own your sin. The latter reminds me of Brennan Manning's "you cannot heal that which you deny" statement.

Full redemption involves death and life. Jesus atoned for our sin through death. But three days later he rose again. He lived to carry our sins away. Now he ever lives to take our sins into the presence of the Father, and in the Father's hands, our sin can become something new and life-giving. It can be redeemed.

Jesus lived and died to rescue us from the part of ourselves we can't take hold of. He carries it to the Father, redeems it, and makes the disordered parts of us new. He frees us to live an obedient life full of "living" works. When the work that we do lives- that is, it bears fruit-, we are worshiping.

Lord Jesus, let my work live. Thank you for guaranteeing that it can.

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